Soupersonic {roasted tomato soup}

We’re J.J. Fad and we’re here to rock. In case you weren’t into female hip-hop bands in the late 80’s, and I can’t imagine who wouldn’t be, Supersonic was the first rap song I ever… Continue reading

Stinking Hippies {granola}

Generally, when I’m in the kitchen, there’s something playing on the ole Victrola in the background.  I think certain music goes with certain meals. Making crepes? Edith Piaf. Meatloaf? Meatloaf. So, when I’m… Continue reading

What a Crock {southwestern brisket}

Some of the recipes on this website are mine – things I have been making for a while with no guidelines (maybe there were at some point, but that was long enough ago… Continue reading

Getting in Touch with My Inner Child {pizza}

I have mentioned this before.  I love pizza.  It’s my favorite food (yes, I still have that – and a favorite color – green, and a favorite song at any given time).  If… Continue reading

Setting Up for Success {hummus}

With my job, I end up leaving town several times a month, generally not longer for 2-3 nights but long enough for my husband to develop hypertension through his consumption of Voila.  There… Continue reading