Category Archive: Pasta

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery {pasta with asparagus, tomatoes and ricotta}

I love the internet. I am baffled sometimes at how marital spats and barroom arguments were settled in the past. What happened when you couldn’t just look up Brad Johnson on your phone… Continue reading

Tasty Tedium {fresh tomato pasta}

I’m probably about 3 months early in sharing this recipe with you, considering that it’s not quite tomato season in our backyards, but there have been some good-looking Roma’s at the market lately… Continue reading

Last Night a Breadcrumb Saved My Life {pasta with shrimp}

The humble breadcrumb. Oftentimes relegated to the third in a three-step breading process or the tie that binds a meatloaf. Until recently, I had no idea a breadcrumb could affect me so deeply.… Continue reading

T-Flo Strikes Again {pasta with sausage, mushrooms and artichokes}

There are a handful of Food Network personalities/celebrity chefs/chefletes that I inherently trust. They are not Sandra Lee, Rachael Ray or really anyone who has won a reality show to have a sandwich/$10… Continue reading

Choppin’ Broccoli {broccoli pasta}

As is the case with many in my generation, I have had the great opportunity to travel, study and live abroad in my not-so-long-life. My first trip off the continent was when I… Continue reading